Comment 10 for bug 339966

Revision history for this message
Ante Karamatić (ivoks) wrote :

Right, (2) is an error from previous upload and (1) is an oversight (i didn't copy-paste it :). I'm fixing that and at the same time I would like to discuss some things.

What would user expect on purge/removal of dovecot-postfix? At the moment, if the user removes dovecot-postfix, /etc/dovecot/dovecot-postfix.conf remains and nothing changes for the user. Is that ok? Wouldn't the user expect to have dovecot-postfix integration removed?

And how about purge?

I've would also like to have postfix's and (in the state they are before installing dovecot-postfix) in /var/backups/dovecot/, so that on purge we can set up environment that was there before installation.