Comment 6 for bug 451809

Revision history for this message
Chad Miller (cmiller) wrote :

I think the cause of this was fixed two weeks ago. I expect that the only people who will experience this problem are people who had v0.4.2 of desktopcouch installed and ran the desktopcouch-pair tool and changed the number of peer pairings.

That would read in the desktopcouch INI file, change the server bind-address, and write out the config file again. During that update, the Python ConfigParser class would crush keys to lowercase, including OAuth token values.

revno: 74 [merge]
revision-id: <email address hidden>
parent: <email address hidden>
parent: <email address hidden>
author: Chad Miller <email address hidden>
committer: Tarmac
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Wed 2009-09-30 07:56:30 -0400
  Do not let Python's ConfigParser transform options into lowercase, as
  couchdb options are case-sensitive.

The easy work-around for this bug is to remove the INI file and let it be created again when desktopcouch starts.

Without rebooting:
$ killall desktopcouch-service
$ /usr/lib/desktopcouch/desktopcouch-stop
$ mv ~/.config/desktop-couch/desktop-couchdb.ini{,-broken-by-lpbug451809 }

I'm going to close this bug, with the assumption that it happens only to a small fraction of beta users, and that that workaround fixes it. Please re-open it if there are any exceptions to those assumptions.