Comment 45 for bug 81798

Revision history for this message
xizdaqrian (xizdaqrian) wrote :

Yes, yet another confirmation.

Here's ye olde output...

/usr/bin/democracyplayer:81: DeprecationWarning: The dbus_bindings module is deprecated and will go away soon.

dbus-python 0.80 provides only a partial emulation of the old
dbus_bindings, which was never meant to be public API.

Most uses of dbus_bindings are applications catching the exception
dbus.dbus_bindings.DBusException. You should use dbus.DBusException
instead (this is compatible with all dbus-python versions since 0.40.2).

If you need additional public API, please contact the maintainers via
<email address hidden>.

  import dbus_bindings
/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/ DeprecationWarning: The dbus_bindings module is deprecated and will go away soon.

dbus-python 0.80 provides only a partial emulation of the old
dbus_bindings, which was never meant to be public API.

Most uses of dbus_bindings are applications catching the exception
dbus.dbus_bindings.DBusException. You should use dbus.DBusException
instead (this is compatible with all dbus-python versions since 0.40.2).

If you need additional public API, please contact the maintainers via
<email address hidden>.

  from dbus.dbus_bindings import *
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/democracyplayer", line 89, in <module>
  File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/democracy/", line 105, in __init__
    bus_name = BusNameFlags('', bus=bus, flags=dbus.dbus_bindings.NAME_FLAG_DO_NOT_QUEUE)
  File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/democracy/", line 53, in __new__
    retval = dbus.dbus_bindings.bus_request_name(bus.get_connection(), name, flags=flags)
TypeError: request_name() takes no keyword arguments

Linux Acid-Reflux 2.6.20-14-generic #2 SMP Mon Apr 2 20:37:49 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux