Comment 94 for bug 25931

Revision history for this message
tepe (sir-vituttaa) wrote :

This threat has been quiet for a while but I'm hoping there's still people reading this.

I've got the same problem, obviously. This is what I've tried so far:

- CONCURRENCY in /etc/init.d/rc was and is set to none

- Renamed the S12hal to S13hal in /etc/rc2.d

- "sudo update-rc.d -f dbus remove" and then "sudo update-rc.d dbus multiuser 12 20" as suggested by Alex Muntada (

- Reinstalled package "hal"

- Tried "sudo dbus-daemon –system" and then "sudo dpkg-reconfigure hal"

- "sudo mv /var/cache/hald/fdi-cache~ /var/cache/hald/fdi-cache" didn't work since there was no "/var/cache/hald/fdi-cache~" so I did the " sudo /usr/lib/hal/hald-generate-fdi-cache" instead

- Used the command "sudo sysv-rc-conf" and checked the taps for hal for runlevels 2-5 as suggested in some other forum.

- I even added an endline to /etc/fstab as suggested in some other place

"ps -p $(< /var/run/dbus/pid)" gives ---->

 4574 ? 00:00:00 dbus-daemon

Here are the current priorities of hal, dbus and dhcdbd

$ ls -1 /etc/rc?.d/*hal

$ ls -1 /etc/rc?.d/*dbus

$ ls -1 /etc/rc?.d/*dhcdbd