Comment 27 for bug 377011

Revision history for this message
Till Kamppeter (till-kamppeter) wrote :

The error_log of the 3rd of June is not really of the 3rd of June, it is also from the 3rd of June, taken even after the one posted here as of the 10th of June. It contains one job more, with pdftops successfully running, but the pdftops used is the old one using GhostScript with "pswrite". One can see it from this line:

D [10/Jun/2009:10:58:08 +0200] [Job 52] %%Creator: GPL Ghostscript 864 (pswrite)

Please replace your /usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftops file by the file attached to this comment and make the new file executable:

cancel -a
sudo chmod 755 /usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftops

Then try to print again.

This newest version contains also a fix in handling non-integer paper size definitions.