Comment 14 for bug 174283

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Andrew Hohenstein (capncrunk) wrote :

"no reasonable purpose,"

Not even in a chrooted environment? You seriously can't think of any reason to want this command?

"This is contrary to the philosophy of Ubuntu."

Ubuntu is better than Windows partially due to it's superior security features. Clicking a dialog box to confirm something doesn't make it less likely to happen really. We've all seen that in Windowsland.

Those of you having done End User support, how many Windows users have you talked to complaining about an error that keeps coming up, only to find they never actually read the error, just clicked it away? Or talked to a user that deleted or modified a key file, breaking the system, regardless of the thousand "ARE YOU SURE?" dialog boxes thrown at them? Which leads me to:

"We should have even more safeguards then this." (I'm assuming you meant "than" this)

One of the main reasons people ignore warning dialogs in Windows is because they come up all the time. They're seen so often that users are conditioned to have to click "OK" for everything, no matter what. It annoys them to the point that every time they see a dialog they think "YES FOR THE LAST TIME I'M SURE" without really thinking it through. Having 'even more safeguards' is going to worsen the problem in just that way.

These users are probably moving over from Windows anyway, and already have that deep-seeded hatred of warning dialog boxes, so even just this one probably isn't going to help them.

Also, are you seriously saying that people don't deserve errors when they don't proofread their scripts? Are you saying that people deserve to have their scripts run as-expected the first time every time and that the OS should have 'safeguards' in place to make sure that happens?