Comment 9 for bug 433488

Revision history for this message
Travis Watkins (amaranth) wrote :

Further upstream discussion:

<Amaranth> So, for now I think compiz should just ignore this warning :)
<Amaranth> and WINE will ignore it even if you don't want them to :/
<idr> Amaranth: The bad part is that systems where this really doesn't work won't give you a warning. You'll just get a protocol error.
<Amaranth> idr: But surely tfp won't exist there?
<idr> Amaranth: Ah, that is almost certainly true.
<Amaranth> So unless we get GLX_mesa_i_cant_believe_its_not_glx13 compiz is doing all it can to make sure it doesn't use something that doesn't exist while still working on systems where it can work

r300 does support glXCreatePixmap (otherwise they couldn't support GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap) so any system that has GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap has glXCreatePixmap so we are covered.