Comment 85 for bug 201330

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bornagainpenguin (bornagainpenguin) wrote :

I also have the Radeon Mobility M7 LW [Radeon Mobility 7500] video card as a part of my Dell Inspiron 5100 which has always worked so long as xorg.conf was setup correctly. If my understanding is correct, Ubuntu is disabling compiz on ATI cards using the OPEN SOURCE driver???? The OPEN SOURCE driver which by the way WORKS, and the PROPRIETARY one doesn't (thanks to some really asinine back room OEM deals ATI made awhile back) and Ubuntu disables **working** video cards using an **open source** driver??

Okay what just happened here, I'm feeling a bit dizzy because this is definitely **NOT** the way I thought things worked...


PS: If my understanding is incorrect, I apologize now, but really what am I supposed to think when it appears my WORKING video card is being blacklisted because.... wait for it..... it's using an open source driver!