Comment 7 for bug 153626

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nitrogen (i-am-nitrogen) wrote : Problems with Compiz/Metacity window move/resize/menu assignments

I am also encountering this problem. It appears that ccsm (compizconfig-settings-manager) is forcing the window menu setting to what it thinks is the metacity default. Changing the metacity mouse_modifier setting with gconf-editor will work until ccsm is started again, at which point metacity/compiz acts as if the mouse modifier is "none". Using the keyboard to set the compiz Window Menu setting back to its default will restore default metacity(-like?) functionality.

I ran into this problem when I was trying to set up <Alt>Button2 as window menu and <Alt>Button3 as window resize. Metacity doesn't appear to provide an option for this, even in gconf-editor. A gconf-editor search for the text "Button3" only returned compiz keys. So I think this problem is potentially twofold: I think there's a deficiency in metacity because it doesn't allow one to completely disable or reassign the window click buttons (it only allows changing the modifier), and second, there's a deficiency in compiz or ccsm that causes the window modifier setting to go nuts.

The setting in ccsm is shown in blue instead of the normal text color, which I'm guessing means that the setting is unavailable or problematic. Another person had a problem with blue settings, referenced on the Ubuntu forums: