Comment 44 for bug 25496

Revision history for this message
Sanjeeb (smishra) wrote :

I successfully booted to the ram with my customized squash filesystem
My requirement was different. I need to always boot to the ram with the customized filesystem so i just added this.

Based on hardy : Script casper :
You need to add <Line to add> under the follwing lines <snip>.
<snip> Find in casper
if [ ! -z "${NETBOOT}" ]; then
        if do_netmount ; then
            panic "Unable to find a live file system on the network"


<Line to add>
     mkdir /myfs
     mount -t tmpfs -o size=2G none /myfs
     mkdir /myfs/casper
     cp /scripts/filesystem.squashfs /store/casper/ # just hardcoded in initrd add this and regenerate
     mount -o bind /myfs /cdrom
     livefs_root=/cdrom # just tell that the filesystem is under cdrom

<line to add>

You can remove the scanning of devices which will take extra time.