Comment 22 for bug 219587

Revision history for this message
beer (beer-test) wrote :

Evolution now scrolls somewhat faster, but the scrollbar now severely "lags", which means it is only updated with approx. 1 fps (so the email view scrolls but the scrollbar itself stays at the old position for some ms and then pops to the right place).
Plus I have the opposite behaviour of Gustavo Carneiro, gmail is NOW scrolling very slow, I believe it used to scroll fast before this update.
firefox seems to scroll a bit faster on other pages, though, but causes X to consume 50% cpu (this was the same before the update).

I tried to enable
    Option "AccelMethod" "XAA"
in the Section "Device" in xorg.conf, but it makes no difference, except for mplayer not running anymore.

I believe this whole issue might be related to bug

I reported earlier.