Comment 10 for bug 293679

Revision history for this message
Gavin Panella (allenap) wrote :

I had a similar problem just now pushing a (stacked) branch that I had already pushed several times successfully last week, so I was just pushing up a couple of revisions. But first I had the following bit of fun:

$ bzr push
Using saved push location: bzr+ssh://<email address hidden>/~allenap/launchpad/package-specific-guidelines-bug-43893
bzr: ERROR: Revision {<email address hidden>} not present in "x_Mark_Shuttleworth_<email address hidden>_Sat_Sep_17_05:50:53_2005_14407.0".

Mmm. Tried again, the same. Merged trunk and it seemed fine, except that the push took forever. Ctrl-C yielded:

bzr: ERROR: bzrlib.errors.TooManyConcurrentRequests: The medium '< object at 0x1321f10>' has reached its concurrent request
 limit. Be sure to finish_writing and finish_reading on the currently open request.

In the end I deleted the branch from the web UI and pushed again. It seems fine now.