Comment 1 for bug 556453

Revision history for this message
Luke Faraone (lfaraone) wrote :

I asked on IRC, and it was ambiguous as to whether a FFe was required. Hopefully the below will reduce the ambiguity.

Analysis of upstream changelog: (comments denoted in "{}"s)
{Autokey 0.61.7}
  * Fix incorrect reference to instance variable in KDE version
  * Fix incorrect method signature in KeyGrabber class
  * ConfigManager uses version from now
        {Trivial, using "APP_VERSION = common.VERSION" as opposed to hard-coding "APP_VERSION = 0.61.7" or what have you.
         Ref: }

{Autokey 0.61.6 follows}
  * Fix problem with autostart in GTK version - issue #27
  * Allow system.exec_command to be used with long-running processes
        {Prevents Autokey from hanging while waiting for a process' response.
         Ref: }
  * Fix - hotkey dialog does not re-enable the "Press to set" button after
    cancelling - issue #23
  * Slight improvement to installation instructions
        {A string fix in INSTALL. No code changed.
         Ref: }
  * Fix - special hotkeys - cannot assign previously cleared hotkey - issue #9
  * Revert status icon for GTK version - it only looked good on one version of
    one distro
  * Patch holes in gettext support for GTK version (patch contribued by
    <email address hidden>)