Comment 8 for bug 263405

Revision history for this message
Charlie_Smotherman (cjsmo) wrote :

These changes will have *no* effect on ampache-themes.

I have a machine setup for testing the packaging, install, remove purge.

To test upstream changes I install ampache (a separate instance) onto my production server and test the default install settings, test creating a user, test user authentication, build a catalog, test add songs to catalog, test clean catalog, test updateAll on the catalog, test find duplicates on the catalog, test export catalog, test zip batch download feature, test streaming to external player, test streaming to XPSF player, test browsing by artist, album, genre, test playlist creation, test album art gather, test scrobble, test inline tag edit feature, test random artist playlist creation, test transcoding, test themes installation,

Due to hardware restrictions on my part I am unable to test certain advanced features such as
ampache+mpd->home stereo. How ever there are community members on IRC freenode #ampache that do have this type of setup and I rely on their feedback.

Due to such a quick release by upstream I have not tested some of the more advanced features ampache has to offer such as the Amorok2 API, or the ACL feature with Quickplay. As these are advanced features (which must be activated by the user) I consider these custom installs and are usually the last things I test. These are on my to do list for today :)
