Comment 11 for bug 316140

Revision history for this message
Mihkel Tõnnov (v6lur) wrote :

Actually, I found it's even better to change the offending line to just
m_wiki = m_wiki.mid( m_wiki.find( "<h1 " ) );
This way it matches also these remaining Wikipedia pages, that still have only class="firstHeading" (don't remember the titles, but I came accross a few) - and "<h1 " only occurs once in Wikipedia pages' source anyway.
Secondly, after
m_wiki.replace( QRegExp("<h3 id=\"siteSub\">[^<]*</h3>"), QString::null );
I inserted the following line:
m_wiki.replace( QRegExp("<div id=\"jump-to-nav\">Jump to: <a href=\"#column-one\">navigation</a>, <a href=\"#searchInput\">search</a></div>"), QString::null );
This way, Amarok won't show the pointless (non-functioning) "Jump to: navigation, search" text just below page titles.