Comment 121 for bug 337314

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Chris Lasher (chris.lasher) wrote :

So typically on most laptops, when the headphone plug is inserted into the headphone jack, sound to the internal speakers is cut off and plays through only the headphones. (This is the behavior in OS X, for example, and I believe it was also the 8.10 behavior.) I thought this was implemented in hardware, but apparently it's implemented by the sound driver, as Kacper's patch demonstrates. I think someone else already requested this above, but would it be possible to have a patch that mutes the internal speakers when headphones are inserted?

Also, and I believe this was also mentioned above, could we have a patch where Master controls the volume of the headphone output, too? Of course, this would only be useful if the above muting of speakers was implemented, as well.

Kacper, are you the only developer working on this? Is anyone else involved with the ALSA project looking into this?