Comment 25 for bug 296738

Revision history for this message
Fernando Miguel (fernandomiguel) wrote :

On Tuesday 25 November 2008 12:17:21 Mackenzie Morgan wrote:
> Been working on this with Bugabundo, and for the sake of archiving tests

Thank you for all the hard work.

> Can someone please:
> 1. change mixer values to something that lets them hear sound


> 2. run "sudo -i" followed by "PULSE_INTERNAL=0 alsactl store"


> 3. check /var/lib/alsa/asound.state to see if it was stored (or just attach it to the bug, and I'll look later)

 control.1 {
  comment.access 'read write'
  comment.type INTEGER
  comment.count 2
  comment.range '0 - 31'
  comment.dbmin -4650
  comment.dbmax 0
  iface MIXER
  name 'Front Playback Volume'
  value.0 13
  value.1 26

> 4. run "PULSE_INTERNAL=0 alsactl restore"


> 5. Are mixer values now 0 + mute? (so, did it reset everything?) Or are they unchanged (it did nothing at all)

It was unchanged.

> If unchanged (being very very careful):
> 6. as root, edit /var/lib/alsa/asound.state *very* slightly. For example, change "Front Playback Volume"'s value.0 and value.1 to some number within the comment.range listed.

Done. I changed left with right value.
 control.1 {
  comment.access 'read write'
  comment.type INTEGER
  comment.count 2
  comment.range '0 - 31'
  comment.dbmin -4650
  comment.dbmax 0
  iface MIXER
  name 'Front Playback Volume'
  value.0 26
  value.1 13

> 7. run "PULSE_INTERNAL=0 alsactl restore"
> 8. Check the mixer values. Same as before editing the file? (file not being read right) Or are the updates done to the file reflected in the mixer? (file is being read just fine)

Mixer was updated.

BUGabundo :o)
(``-_-´´) && Ubuntu LoCoTeam Portugal
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