Comment 11 for bug 223825

Revision history for this message
Jeroen Massar (massar) wrote :

Given motivation (and no nasty crap coming my way) I'll try to finish up the all brand new AICCU this weekend.
This one will have a GUI on all platforms and will also resolve a lot of other tiny tidbits, including 're-connect'. One can then just run the daemon, and it will make sure that connectivity works, if connectivity is not there (yet) it will just retry a bit later to get it up and running. Testing seems to have proven that it all more or less works, but I need to test a couple of other platforms to get everything running fine before actually bringing it out to the public (and then getting flooded with mails that it does not work.... especially the "nice comments" in there always give one sooo much motivation to solve other peoples problems that those cases are not worth it). Lets see what the weekend brings ;)