Comment 154 for bug 59695

Revision history for this message
ramas (slocascio) wrote : Re: default value in potentially kills laptop disks

Just some more reporting about this issue:

- The command "sudo hdparm -I /dev/sda" shows this line about APM:

Advanced power management level: unknown setting (0x80fe)

The 0xfe byte is the 254 value I set whith the -B command in hexadecimal, but i do not understand the 0x80 byte and why it tells "unknown setting".

- The command " sudo smartctl -d ata -a /dev/sda" shows also other values, some of them very high and incrementing:
Raw_Read_Error_Rate, Seek_Error_Rate, Unknown_Attribute (with ID# 190), Hardware_ECC_Recovered

Reading in internet I found not so clear info about them; for example, the Raw_Read_Error_Rate here says lower is better:
while here (linked from the above wikipedia page) it says the opposite:

how can we have more complete information about these parameters?