Comment 29 for bug 210112

Revision history for this message
Daniel Holbach (dholbach) wrote :

 - Regarding bzr: you can't really say that people have not looked at it yet. I mentioned a couple of times who helped with the integration of it. Also regarding "standarized on": lots of pieces that are developed for the distro are in bzr - how is it relevant to the FFe discussion?
 - Regarding the "Canonical" bit: Envy always was a community project. It has a big user base but had problems regarding its integration into Ubuntu. Michael established the contact, Bryce helped with X integration, Michael with various bits along the way, Ben helped with Kernel bits and I helped with packaging and so on. This is not a Canonical project and can't go into 'partner'. There's no "Canonical" business interest there, the people I mentioned above had an interest in making one of the most wide-spread 3rd party packages more compliant with our distro.
 - Please replace "Proprietary software" with "drivers people need to make their hardware work".
 - Alberto has proven that he's very quick to investigate issues, I don't suppose that he will cause much work for the MOTU team.
 - Other packages got the special treatment of inclusion before, I personally find Bryce justification completely sufficient.