Comment 6 for bug 436074

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Martin Wildam (mwildam) wrote : Re: [Bug 436074] Re: CodeOfConduct Signature/Acknowledgement Lacks Integration

On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 03:31, Jorge O. Castro <email address hidden> wrote:
> When I install Ubuntu for my dad, I totally don't care if he's
> interested in contributing;

mhm, I would like every user to contribute - we all benefit from every
small contribution.
That said, your dad - if he is not really in computers, maybe would
have difficulties describing a bug the right way causing the bug
fixing and testing team to read more unqualified bug reports, that are
probably more a support issue than a bug.

> A thing that asks him to be involved
> with the Ubuntu community is a total deal breaker; of course I want him
> to contribute if he can, but let's not force it.

A simple question is IMHO not a "force". Just start Microsoft Internet
Explorer for the first time after finishing a Windows 7 installation
and you will know what really sucks. THAT is a deal breaker IMHO. I am
into computers and that was super annoying for me.

That said, Canonical and the Ubuntu community always tried to make
installation more and more easy and avoid any unnecessary question.
From that point of view that additional question is counter
But IMHO the most significant arguments against that question are: A
new user installing Ubuntu for the first time might not have any idea
yet if he/she wants to contribute. And further in many cases the users
get helped on installation - so somebody else is doing the install
process, so for the user it is too late.

> I think it is a strength that we have low-barrier processes to allow
> people to contribute

Yes, indeed, when you decide you want to contribute the barrier should
be pretty low.
When a user experiences a crash and the apport notification icon comes
up, your are quickly into contribution - Basically one click +
registration away.

But: Such crashes occur - fortunately - seldom. For me - as far as I
remember - I searched the internet to get knowledge about the
ubuntu-bug command - which is a basic tool for contribution regarding
bug reports (and this is IMHO often the first step into contribution).

> As much as I would love tons of contributors, I would never ever want an
> end user to have to have a dialog pressuring them to do so.

Anyway, a simple question is not a pressing thing! And if No is the
default answer then even less.

On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 04:55, Randall Ross (rrnwexec)
<email address hidden> wrote:
> My philosophy: Let everyone contribute and encourage them to do so, even
> your dad, or my daughter, or my mom. No contribution is too small. I say
> this with the caveat that many of the current contribution processes are
> likely to be a bit too "heavy" for them.

Agree. But maybe installation is not the right point - it's once at
installation which often users don't do themselves. On the other hand
you might want to do a bug report or a support question from a foreign

What about introducing a new sub-menu under Applications called
"Contribute" and then having options for doing bug reports or doing
translations or submitting an icon. And there could be an additional
package that can be installed through the repository that installs
some icon or other templates for producing contribution material - all
available through the "Contribute" menu. What do you think about this
option? That is non-pressing but easy available for everyone. In that
menu there also could be links to,,,, and to the code of
conduct and maybe also

> However, here's an entry point
> I can offer though as a counter-example: "Make a small flyer and post it
> on a community bulletin board." Here's another: "Draw an icon." Here's a
> third: "Translate a string." Perhaps you are equating joining a LoCo
> with becoming a developer?

I think, the translation is not always really easy. I tried it once
and had difficulties getting to the right point (but it's a while ago,
don't remember). That said, some applications have a menu item in help
to contribute with translation (which I did not expect in the help
menu). Regarding the graphical things - agree - there is for example.

> We can offer a nicely worded and polite reminder that this system is
> built by everyone, and then move on. It's not a pressure sell by any
> stretch.

This could be displayed during package installation (while the user
waits during the install process).
And there could be more information behind an "About Ubuntu" in the
Contribute menu item.

> 1) Contributors welcome and needed, no matter how small.
> 2) We have a Code of Conduct. Here it is. We hope you'll sign it.
> Finally, there are no "end users". There is no "us" and "them". There
> are only target users, and all users are potential contributors.

Yes, I like that.

Best regards, Martin.
Martin Wildam