Comment 4 for bug 436074

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Jorge Castro (jorge) wrote :

Hi Randall,

I think your idea is great in theory, but I have some concerns;

When I install Ubuntu for my dad, I totally don't care if he's interested in contributing; I set him up with Ubuntu because I want him to enjoy his computer without dealing with the junk that he gets when he has an OS delivered with his PC. A thing that asks him to be involved with the Ubuntu community is a total deal breaker; of course I want him to contribute if he can, but let's not force it.

I think it is a strength that we have low-barrier processes to allow people to contribute, but at the same time, I don't want them shoved in user's faces; we shouldn't make people feel like they have to contribute because they use Ubuntu. If people use Ubuntu and don't contribute then that's totally okay!

As much as I would love tons of contributors, I would never ever want an end user to have to have a dialog pressuring them to do so. If we're all doing our jobs the users shouldn't even have to care. I would rather we do the right thing, and step gracefully out of the way --- if we're doing the right thing via the rest of the community processes then this bug will resolve itself.