Comment 1 for bug 362526

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JP Vossen (jp-jpsdomain) wrote :

++ for Lucid

I know Ubuntu took a lot of abuse for the old "brown" theme(s), but I like it. It got the job done and stayed out of my way. The new theme is too "bright." (Boy, aren't users a PITA? :)

On a more serious and important note, non-technical folks get really used to how things look, and constantly changing that is really annoying to them. My mom knows what it means when she can see "the bird" (the Hardy LTS background) and she can communicate that to me over the phone. Pulling that rug out from under her is going to cause both her and me nothing but problems.

<Goes and looks> OK, I see that 'aptitude install human-theme' gets some of the way there. But I don't see the "bird" background, that'd be really nice. And I'd argue this should be in the default install, since many people this will affect won't know where to look if it's not. These jump out at me to explore:

# In Lucid Beta 2
human-theme - Human theme
humanity-icon-theme - Humanity Icon theme
gnome-themes - official themes for the GNOME desktop
gnome-themes-extras - extra themes for the GNOME desktop
gnome-themes-more - various themes for the GNOME 2 desktop
gnome-wine-icon-theme - red variation of the GNOME-Colors icon theme
gnome-wise-icon-theme - green variation of the GNOME-Colors icon theme

(Also, OT, BUT LEAVE THE DAMN WINDOW CONTROLS ALONE!!! Yes, this will fix it, but we shouldn't have to:
gconftool-2 --set /apps/metacity/general/button_layout --type string "menu:minimize,maximize,close")