Comment 2 for bug 644066

Revision history for this message
Allison Randal (allison) wrote :

The App Review Board did an initial review of SIR in the most recent meeting, and hope to approve it in the next meeting on Tuesday Dec 21st. The only obstacle is a small technical one, we need to modify the package to install in /opt instead of the regular /usr/... paths. To test it out, I made a modified version of your SIR package. I've attached a diff of my changes here, let's talk about the best way to integrate these into your package.

Most of the changes are simple path updates for the /opt install location. This includes changes to the files, sir.desktop, and sir_service.desktop. Since you probably don't want to modify your basic tarball to install in these unusual paths, these could be handled by a quilt patch in the debian packaging directory (I can help you set that up).

The other changes I added to correct errors or warnings detected by the lintian utility. In your debian/rules file, the command 'dh_clean -k' has been deprecated, replaced by 'dh_prep' (see In your debian/control file, I updated the standards version to what's expected for Maverick (3.9.1), and fixed the build dependency version for debhelper so it matched the version in the debian/compat file. The entry in debian/changelog is mostly just a notice of my changes, but the important alteration is in the format of the first line of the changelog entry to the Ubuntu standard "sir (2.1-0ubuntu2) maverick; urgency=low", especially in the package version "2.1-0ubuntu2", which indicates that this package hasn't been shipped on debian (the first "0"), and which revision of the Ubuntu package it is (I set it to "2", since mine was a revision of your package).

There's one remaining lintian warning, about installing in /opt. We're currently discussing the best way to handle this as a standard across all packages that go through the ARB process, I'll let you know the conclusion.

Should be a quick fix, so hopefully we can get SIR approved and into the Maverick Software Center next week.