Comment 2 for bug 342952

Revision history for this message
Albert Santoni (gamegod) wrote :

I played around with increasing the input and output memory pool sizes for ALSA sequencer with no noticeable change. It turns out we were using non-blocking mode when opening the ALSA sequencer, which is what I think we wanted to use. I tried blocking mode, but also found no change.

The test case I'm using is:
1) Launch Mixxx
2) Hit EQ button on SCS.3d.
Result: The three middle lights don't light up. They should, but they don't.

One helpful thing I could use from you Sean is a tiny bit of troubleshooting. I'd like hard data showing that Mixxx isn't sending the correct MIDI messages. You can get data on this by:
1) Launching Mixxx
2) Run "aseqdump --list" and find out the port number for Mixxx.
3) Run "aseqdump -p [portnum]" using the port number you just found.
4) Switch to the EQ mode in Mixxx, and capture the output from aseqdump.
5) Compare that output with what you're sending in the script, and verify that there's a real mismatch. If you could show me what the expected sequence of MIDI messages is, that would help too.
