Comment 18 for bug 266588

Revision history for this message
James Henstridge (jamesh) wrote :

I have just attached updated versions of the patches (dated
06/05/2003). These versions include a number of bug fixes
that I have been testing locally for a while. I also added
a similar workaround for the True/False usage (the True and
False constants were only added in Python 2.2.1 and 2.3a).

This version also puts the SpamAssassin score in the
"reason" for held messages, which means you can easily see
the scores of messages in the new Mailman 2.1 moderation
overview page.

I have also put together some documentation on the Mailman
setup I use:

This includes information on how to set up an unprivileged
spamd that maintains separate Bayes databases for each
mailing list.