Comment 4 for bug 419689

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Gavin Panella (allenap) wrote :

After spending a huge amount of time over the last week staring at and
resubmitting branches to land via ec2, I would like to second the
proposal to run against stable by default. I know I'm not the only one
feeling the pain this week.

Jono has said that there have been an unusual number of bad landings
to devel this week, so maybe this is an abberation. However, it has
lost me a lot of time. Cumulatively, across the whole team, each time
this kind of abberation happens, this loss of productivity could be
greater than the value of integration testing with the very latest
landings to devel. Testing with the very most recent landings to devel
also does not guarantee a successful devel -> stable merge.

I think an experiment to use stable in ec2 would be worthwhile. In
case of a bad landing or an integration failure, the merge from devel
to stable will stop the line soon enough, at which point anyone on the
team can fix it.