Comment 13 for bug 222793

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mark (mark-m-wilhelm) wrote :

I have been wondering if this problem has something to do with the wireless driver module. My current module (with Hardy) is "b43.ko" but I recall that it used to be "bcm43xx.ko" - could it be that this change lead to the problem? I really don't know much about these things, but I did try unsuccessfully to revert my driver back to the old one. I used rmmod and insmod and the module loaded, but the wifi led did NOT turn on, so I was unable to test this hypothesis. I'm curious though, if:

(a) anybody else is using b43.ko?
(b) anybody has an idea about how to make bcm43xx work again?

In case you are like me circa a few days ago, and don't know how to check if you are using b43, you can type "lsmod | grep b43" in a terminal - if nothing shows up, you're not.