Comment 16 for bug 336866

Revision history for this message
Martin Pitt (pitti) wrote :

Did anything change in LP recently in that regard? The retracers crash all over the place since today, while they were grinding happily for over a week before.

I added some debugging code to print the exception's message and content fields, but both are empty. This is from very simple code:

    def _mark_dup_checked(self, id, report):
        '''Mark crash id as checked for being a duplicate.'''

        bug = self.launchpad.bugs[id]
        if 'need-duplicate-check' in bug.tags:
            x = bug.tags[:] # LP#254901 workaround
            bug.tags = x

I. ee. I just create a bug object, change .tags, and save it again. No re-use, or other things.

Do you need more information about this?