Comment 6 for bug 449785

Revision history for this message
Gavin Panella (allenap) wrote :

> @Gavin Panella: If you look again at Bug 430333 you will see that
> although the bug was marked invalid in UNR and Ubuquity, it IS still
> valid in grub2.
> If you think the bug should not show up on my list even though it is
> valid in grub2, then I guess I do not understand why. Please
> explain!

I haven't digged into the code, but I'm reasonably sure that the
reason it disappears is because all of the projects against which you
reported the bug (netbook-remix and ubiquity) are marked as
Invalid. In other words, this bug doesn't manifest or isn't present in
these projects. The page you requested was +reportedbugs, which looks
at those bugs you, er, reported, so it excludes this bug as no longer

> Could the fact that it is disappearing for me mean that it might
> have also disappearing for the other folks who have looked at it? It
> is actually a grave bug -- the beta installer creates a totally
> trashed filesystem on that computer for some reason. Colin Watson
> helped me look at the symptoms over a couple of days.

The bug is still marked as New for grub2 in Ubuntu, which means that
this bug will still appear by default for people interested in that

> P.S.: I had never tried "advanced search" before today -- thanks to
> the link to Bug 5977. Strangely, when I check all the boxes, whether
> or not I check the "hide duplicates" checkbox, the list shows two
> instances of Bug 490333, both marked invalid, and NOT that it has been
> marked valid in Grub2.

You see the bug once for each of the projects it's recorded as
affecting. It's a bit confusing, but it's not broken.

> Is this a database problem? Is the bug's status in Grub2 not visible
> to anyone but me???

Colin Watson add the grub2 in Ubuntu task to the bug, so he should be
able to see it at:

But he can't! This smells bug-like to me; the search is probably
looking at the bug owner rather than the bug task[*] owner. I've filed
bug 451301 about this.

[* A "bug task" is the term than Launchpad uses - internally mostly -
   to refer to a manifestation of a bug in a project, distribution or
   package. In other words, each project, distribution or package
   shown in the table at the top of each bug page. Every bug has at
   least one bug task. ]

Colin will be able to see the bug on his related bugs page:

> Regarding the results in comment #4 -- I can't duplicate that
> behavior, exactly. I am in a rush and I probably didn't notice I
> wasn't seeing all the rows on one page. I do see all three instances
> of Bug 490333 whether or not I have the "hide duplicates" checkbox
> checked, though of course that would be the expected behavior in
> this case because the rows I see are probably not DISTINCT from a
> SQL perspective.

"Hide duplicates" hides bugs that are marked as duplicate reports -
i.e. someone else has already reported the bug - not repetitions like
you were seeing in the search.