Comment 4 for bug 298921

Revision history for this message
Данило Шеган (danilo) wrote :

At the moment, you can use many available tools to transform XML to PO file format. Eg. xml2po transforms DocBook (and any other XML, for that matter) to PO file formats, and is used for both Ubuntu and GNOME documentation. It's far from perfect, but that's a separate issue (we can support xml2po generated PO files better).

Translating longer paragraphs could do with some improvements as well, but that's again an orthogonal problem (and not restricted to document translation).

Btw Martin, we are already displaying all PO files sequentially, which means that we are also displaying all xml2po-generated PO files sequentially. It's not done by accident, it's a feature of both xml2po and Launchpad. IMO, anything that would improve the UI for document translation would improve it for other PO files as well.