Comment 12 for bug 292557

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telmich (nico-launpad-net) wrote :

Good morning everybody.

I'm was/am using cvs, tla, monotone, svn, git, hg, bzr, darcs for some time and see a lot of discussions about launchpad, lighthouse, github, gitorious, freshmeat, sourceforge,... asking which platform to use for which version control system.

In my opinion you can establish yourself with either of the two strategies:

- support no VCS at all (=freshmeat), be neutral
- try to support all VCS (no one does that (yet?))

It's no question whether bzr can collect everything from any other VCS: The question is, can platform X support

If you support only one VCS, you will fail exactly at the same time this VCS failed.

If you somehow provide support for (almost) all of the popular VCS (which today includes at least svn, hg, darcs and git) you can succeed.

This can even be done by some smart filters you put in front of bzr (like git cvsserver), so people do not
notice that you are using bzr as the backend.

But forcing people (this includes no direct support for my preferred VCS) to use one method will sooner or later make people use a different platform (*).

Thus I'm pretty much wondering, which strategy you'll drive and if you survive.


(*): This is *not* true for simple VCS hosting like gitorious, which is a dumb backend, which is only designed to be a filekeeper.