Comment 11 for bug 292557

Revision history for this message
Fionn (fbe) wrote :

I'd like to strongly encourage you as well to add native support for at least git and Mercurial into LP.

I must admit that despite the fact that I really like bazaar the fact that LP development is clutching so vehemently to bzr has a strange taste to it - there are enough other good features in bzr to convice developers. Applying the force of bundling has never been a good concept to make OSS developers use a specific solution.

I for myself would like to bundle my coding activities using self-hosted LP but currently this is cumbersome because as a contract worker I have to use git as well as my customers want me to. There are probably a significant number of other devs facing a similar situation.

So please rethink your decision. It strongly harms deployment popularity of LP just for the dubious cause of pushing bzr.