Comment 5 for bug 227601

Revision history for this message
Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt) wrote :

We do show the project owner, but we don't say that it's the owner; instead we pretend that the project was "Registered by:" the owner. For example, I may never know who registered Bazaar, but I'm 100% sure it wasn't "Registered by: Bazaar Developers" as the project page says, because Bazaar Developers is a team and a team can't register projects.

So a minimal fix for this bug would be to change "Registered by:" to "Project owner:", and move it out of the "Lifecycle" box, since it's not part of the lifecycle.

A separate enhancement would be to add a real immutable Registrant field for projects and project groups, set to "unknown" for those registered before it was introduced. That wouldn't be interesting in the normal case (it's not relevant to anyone, for example, that I registered the Mozilla project group in Launchpad), but it might be useful for spam-handling (so that an attacker can't register dozens of Viagra projects and then reassign them all to me, leaving no trace of who actually registered them).