Comment 6 for bug 153472

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Joey Stanford (joey) wrote :

Matthew's comment is interesting in that we do record all OOPS events that display that page. And we look at those on a daily basis to identify problems.
We also raise the more user-affecting ones that need attention during our public weekly development meeting on #launchpad-meeting.

So, there is no need for a user to contact us unless it's urgent and they are blocked. This does help us assign an internal value of "user is blocked" such that we make the fixing of that OOPS a higher priority but beyond this I don't think, in general, there is much we can do to help the user until the OOPS is fixed. In some cases like timeouts, the user often tries again or with a slightly different approach which works.

The events I'm more worried about are the ones which present the unplanned-offline.html page because those do not result in an OOPS. Those I would definitely like to receive an email or question from a user which describes what they did, the URL, and when so we can go through the logs.