Comment 3 for bug 437929

Revision history for this message
su_v (suv-lp) wrote :

1) numeric precision preferences

~/.inkscape/preferences.xml (0.46):
       indent="2" />

If 'numericprecision' is set to 1 or 2 current prerelease builds crash on start-up due to bug #399604. Until there is a real fix for it, numeric precision preferences from 0.46 would need to be filtered and set to >= 3 (default: 8) if migrated to 0.47.
0.46 doesn't have a GUI option for these SVG output preferences but they can be changed by editing the xml file manually.

2) 0.46+devel no longer stores the version number in the preferences file. Any reason not to?

~/.inkscape/preferences.xml (0.46):

~/.config/inkscape/preferences.xml (0.46+devel):