Comment 10 for bug 1269206

Revision history for this message
David Mathog (mathog) wrote :

Was the icons.svg file from the first patch alone enough to cause the crash, or did the code also need to be modified in order to trigger the crash? Also, was there a problem loading the new icons.svg into inkscape (with open) too?

In any case, for now, attached is a newer patch with the same code changes but a different icons.svg file. I made this one using the preferences setting ScislaC indicated, and then hand edited the final icons.svg so that it only differed from the original by the lines corresponding to the new icons. I did try using "clean document" and "save" but it made a lot of unrelated changes nowhere near the section I had just created, and those changes may be a separate issue, which is why I edited them all out, restoring the original.