Comment 193 for bug 527458

Revision history for this message
Patrik Floding (patrik-b) wrote :

"Unity is not about dumbing down the GUI, but about progressing towards the ultimate user
interface, that sweet spot that satisfies everyone"
There is no such thing. Someone once claimed that everything had already been invented. That is a very similar statement. But thanks for making a fanboy reply. BTW, I know that anything CAN be done -when I say "stripped" I mean the accessible functionality. Such as selecting WHICH instance/window of an application to switch to from the left side task bar (just one example). Regarding wasting screen estate: There is a task bar on the left AND a menu bar plus icon tray on the top. Most of the top bar is empty most of the time, and windows don't drag over it (pure Mac design, whatever you may say).