Comment 95 for bug 41179

Revision history for this message
In , Neil-httl (neil-httl) wrote :

Comment on attachment 706354
Store Master Password to Gnome Keyring patch v1

You need build system and PSM reviews, so I'll just comment on code patterns.

>+ PRUnichar *password = nullptr;
>+ nsAutoString promptString;
>+ // Get prompt message for Gnome Keyring master password
>+ nsCOMPtr<nsINSSComponent> nssComponent(do_GetService(kNSSComponentCID, &rv));
>+ if (NS_FAILED(rv))
>+ return;
>+ const PRUnichar* formatStrings[1] = {
>+ ToNewUnicode(NS_LITERAL_STRING("Gnome Keyring"))
>+ };
NS_NAMED_LITERAL_STRING gnomeKeyring("Gnome Keyring");
const PRUnichar* formatStrings[] = { gnomeKeyring.get() };
Or since this is linux-only, MOZ_LL, NS_LL or u"Gnome Keyring" might work.
This avoids having to free the string manually.

>+ // Return if promp was closed without confirmation or password is wrong
Typo: prompt

>+ if (value)
[I had to look up the .idl to find out what this value meant.]

>+ nsCString utf8password;
>+ utf8password = NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(password);
>+ NS_Free(password);
>+ password = nullptr;
>+ if (gnome_keyring_unlock_sync(NULL, utf8password.get()) == GNOME_KEYRING_RESULT_OK)
gnome_keyring_unlock_sync(NULL, NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(password).get())

>+ mResult = g_strdup(keyringRecord->secret);
[Does this get freed with g_free?]