Comment 63 for bug 296867

Revision history for this message
Sam Liddicott (sam-liddicott) wrote :

Just to clarify;

1. the fedora guys have marked it as wont-fix
since which we read this comment in the fedora bug tracker:

Jonathan Blandford 2009-11-16 08:23:37 EST

[ Note that upstream has since changed their mind on that, and claims to be
considering how to include OTR. In the short run though, its gotta be pidgin.

2. the ubuntu guys have marked it merely as triaged, not wont-fix

Also I note the main advantage of OTR is that it supports end-to-end encryption even when the transport does not support encryption.

In the mean time I'm the cause of Ubuntu being dissed by my associates because Pidgin doesn't support video or audio chat, and I'm certainly not going to use Empathy in it's current state.