Comment 22 for bug 911507

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mr.goose (editor-garfnet) wrote :

Many thanks to those who suggested "find ~ -maxdepth $N -inum $INUM" method.

In my case it found:-
(My emails, browser settings and bookmarks are very important to me. Therefore I keep my Thunderbird and Firefox stuff where I can see it, so it gets backed up, and so that it doesn't get lost if I have to move in/out of a PC very quickly.)

However I did not set a maxdepth. I also needed to sudo it because I regularly backup my sites and several other remote servers, via rsync over ssh, to a subdirectory of my home directory. I retain the permissions of the backed up files because it can be a pain figuring out who owns what, should I need to restore anything in a hurry. (Yeah I know I could/should tarball it, but speed is of the essence here!)

Anyway, the inode I was seeking was 21933851. So the command I used was:-
sudo find ~ -inum 21933851

This worked a treat. Without the sudo - I got lots of "permission denied"errors from my backup files.

HTH someone. Best wishes, G.