Comment 23 for bug 1964881

Revision history for this message
Evren Yurtesen (eyurtese-g) wrote :

> I still don't see a nice way out what will work without any delta at all in ubuntu.

"nice way" is relative. It seems the most common way for Debian to create logs is as root:adm. Is there any rule which says catalina.out must be owned by tomcat?

Consider the "jetty9" package in Debian. Rsyslog creates and writes logs of it to /var/log/jetty9 with root:adm ownership. In logrotated conf, it has "create 640 jetty adm" but it does nothing due to "copytruncate". But more importantly, nobody seems to care that `jetty' user does not own the logs.

Basically fix for tomcat9, is to simply remove 'fileOwner="tomcat"' from Debian and 'fileOwner="syslog"' from Ubuntu logrotate.d/tomcat9.conf Then why would there be a need for Delta? The only thing required is that Debian should accept `tomcat` rsyslog logs to have root:adm ownership.