Comment 12 for bug 129081

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Justin M. Wray (wray-justin) wrote :

Sorry for the delay in my response, extended holiday this past weekend.

>Justin, what are your plans on this? You wanted to do this, but I haven't seen much interest from your side.

Cesare, I am absolutely interested in packaging the next released version mumble for Hardy. Unfortunitally working on other packages, delayed my attention on this one. Either way, we no have plenty of time to work out issues with other packages such as 'speex' and fix upstream issues like the debian/ directory.

>About the "18 months"; The 1.0 (current release) and 1.1.x (SVN) branches of mumble are protocol incompatible. 1.0 uses a unencrypted protocol while 1.1 uses SSL sockets. Support for SSL in Qt requires Qt 4.3. Qt 4.3 requires Gutsy, so it was our plan to release Mumble 1.1.0 a day or so after the Gutsy release. If you're looking at the 8.04 dev cycle already, I'd strongly recommend waiting and using the 1.1 branch there, because 1.0 will be obsolete on October 18th ;)

This obviously gears a release towards a Hardy release anyway. I think once the timeline is published we should work on a stable (updated) release for inclusion, knowing the date of the NPF will give us a solid target.

Keep in mind though that Hardy is supposed to be a "LTS" and therefore we should really ensure that this is a stable package, and not bleeding edge.

Justin M. Wray