Comment 7 for bug 306394

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Karl Fogel (kfogel) wrote : [RFC] Fixing bug #306394: status should tolerate nonexistent file.

I'm working on bug #306394 ("bzr status should not ignore all other
command line arguments when passed a non-existent file").

The basic fix is here (review welcome!):

Re regression test: in bzrlib/tests/blackbox/ I see
test_status_nonexistent_file(), which looks for the current behavior:

    def test_status_nonexistent_file(self):
        # files that don't exist in either the basis tree or working tree
        # should give an error
        wt = self.make_branch_and_tree('.')
        out, err = self.run_bzr('status does-not-exist', retcode=3)
        self.assertContainsRe(err, r'do not exist.*does-not-exist')

Does that test mean that the current behavior is desirable for some
reason, and should not be considered a bug? Otherwise, I'll simply
adjust this test to expect a non-fatal warning instead of an error.

Or if the current behavior (fatal error) is desirable, then we should
probably close the bug as invalid.
