Comment 2 for bug 249546

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Selene ToyKeeper (toykeeper) wrote :

In the second case, an actual branch, 'push' is probably the wrong command to use; 'send' or 'merge' would be appropriate instead. Bzr may not know the difference between a real branch and a mere copy of trunk, but the user does.

I suppose, in theory, the worst case is that someone could break the trunk until an 'uncommit' is performed. However, giving trunk write access to a sloppy or inexperienced developer seems more like a people problem.

In practice, I doubt a default push URL would cause problems, because hg, git, darcs, bitkeeper, and svk behave this way and nobody seems to complain about it.

So, should bzr assume the user meant what they said (and facilitate the process), or should it assume the user made a mistake?