Comment 9 for bug 215674

Revision history for this message
GuilhemBichot (guilhem-bichot) wrote :

When one cancels a commit in "bzr qcommit" (QBzr, file, the global commit message gets saved:
    def save_message(self):
        message = unicode(self.message.toPlainText())
        if message:
            config = self.tree.branch.get_config()
            config.set_user_option('qbzr_commit_message', message)
and when "bzr qcommit" starts, the saved message is restored: def restore_message(self):
        config = self.tree.branch.get_config()._get_branch_data_config()
        message = config.get_user_option('qbzr_commit_message')
        if message:
This is only for the global commit message, and is not about multiple revisions like "bzr uncommit -r" can do.

Suggestion for when one uncommits several revisions: concatenate comments; for example if we uncommit two revisions, r1 the oldest and r2 the newest,
the comments could be put in chronological order: the saved comment for a file would be:
r1's comment for this file\n
r2's comment for this file.