Comment 1 for bug 196080

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Roderik Muit (rm-wyz) wrote :

Just to add something here:

This bug renders bzr:// and bzr+ssh:// protocols useless for stacked branches, which IMHO:
- is a substantial problem
- will cause a lot of confusion, and I suspect may turn some people away. (I've lost half a day, only trying to see what the problem was. Which isn't easy when you are a relatively new bzr user, and are trying to establish a good working model while getting the hang of the exact differences between pull, branch (--stacked), commit (--lightweight), ...)

In particular, I suspect that this bug causes the following things:

1) you cannot 'branch --stacked' from a remote location that is available via bzr:// only.
(In my case as on , method 1.
Error received:
bzr: ERROR: Received bad protocol version marker: 'Source repository format does not support stacking, using format:\n Packs 5 (adds stacking support, requires bzr 1.6)\n'.)

2) otherwise, if you try to branch anything 'normally (i.e. non-stacked)' over bzr:// , you end up with a branch that really has format 'unnamed' (or at least a local 'bzr info' says so.). I'm almost sure that causes more weirdness down the line. (Like messages "Source format does not support stacking, using format: '...'" when you try to stack a branch on this one.)

3) if you create a stacked branch on your server, and then want to branch/pull/checkout that to your local computer over bzr(+ssh):// , that does not work.
(Error received:
bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "/data/www/drupal/bzr-repo/6-modules/". < -- which is the path of the stacked-on branch.)

By the way: Bug #270397 (which was marked as high) is NOT fixed, as far as I can see. It's the same as my point 1. And I've tried versions 1.16.1, 1.13, 1.6.1 & 1.5 in the meantime, because I figured there must be some past version that could do that (since the bug was marked 'Fix Released'). Without success.

By the way #2: Might the fix to this also repair the 'bzr init inside repository; bug (#292553) ? Or is that separate?