Comment 46 for bug 186920

Revision history for this message
Gordon Tyler (doxxx) wrote :

I'm trying fix this by using a modified form of Bill Bumgarner's HTTPTransport (python bug #648658) for xmlrpclib which allows it to use urllib2 and thus an HTTP proxy, but I'm having a problem where the XMLRPC reply from launchpad is just an empty page.

C:\dev>bzrdev launchpad-open lp:bzr
HTTPTransport: url=
Request headers:
  Content-type: text/xml
  User-agent: bzr/2.1.0dev2 (xmlrpclib/1.0.1)
Request Body:
<?xml version='1.0'?>

Response headers:
  Content-Type: text/html
  Refresh: 0; URL=
Response data:

Any idea what could be causing this? Is the XMLRPC request malformed?