Comment 2 for bug 185394

Revision history for this message
Marius Kruger (amanica) wrote : Re: Generic bzr smart protocol error: bad request '70' when connecting to bzr 0.90.0 smart server

as I noted on the list, I get a similar error when conecting from to bzr.0.90.0 over bzr://
This has been happening for about a week (I'm not exactly sure when I updated my

$ bzr co bzr://some_server/some_branch/
bzr: ERROR: Generic bzr smart protocol error: Generic bzr smart protocol error: bad request '70'
$ cd some_branch/
$ bzr st
bzr: ERROR: No WorkingTree exists for "file:///some_branch/.bzr/checkout/".
$ bzr checkout
$ bzr st
$ bzr update
bzr: ERROR: Generic bzr smart protocol error: Generic bzr smart protocol error: bad request '70'
/stuph/projects/bzr/bzr.repo/ UserWarning: file group LockableFiles(<bzrlib.transport.remote.RemoteTCPTransport url=bzr://some_server/.bzr/repository/>) was not explicitly unlocked
  warn("file group %r was not explicitly unlocked" % self)

let me know if you need more information / debugging / help fixing it,
as I can quite reliably reproduce it at the moment.
