Comment 61 for bug 419328

Revision history for this message
HannesB (hannesb) wrote :

Reproduced on EEEPC 1000H (same GPU)
gnome-display-properties -> crash
You can even crash it by just typing
"xrandr" in a console after plugging in an external screen.
Screens get black and the mouse pointer is visible but stucked.

Tried with a shorter VGA-cable:
gnome-display-properties: X-Server does not crash, both screens get black, it chooses
a side by side desktop view (also i didnt tell him), i can move mouse from the left to the right, no desktop elements accessible, but on the left
corner I can see a 2-3 pixel wide stripe of my desktop but I cannot access anything,

after that I can recover with my self-configured hotkey: xrandr --output LVDS1 --auto --output VGA1 --off
Then I find the propperties and can configure it correctly either by th GUI or by another xrandr call

typing xrandr after reboot,plugging in results also in those two black screens

After having the screen succesfully set up once, I can reconnect it as often as I like

My questiones:
-why does my system change the screen setup without me asking it to do so????
-why does my system crash if the VGA-Cable is too long (and it maybe cannot read monitor settings propperly?)

I hope to have given some hints...
9.04 just worked perfectly....